Friday, October 16, 2009

We be Roastin' Ducks

Shad on duck duty.
Lyssa is (trying) to shoot the post at the end of the yard with an elephant gun.

This is the man who owns the elephant gun, Mr. Andy Davis

This is Eric. He plays with axes
This is Lyssa. She plays with sharp knives made by these very talented guys .

And Lyssa again
This would be our very sophisticated Eucher table.

Every year for the past three years, my friend Shad (and his lovely mother Dana) has hosted a bonfire/animal roast. The first two were sheep roasts, but this year he tried something new - ducks. It was interesting, to say the least. At this house, one can never be quite sure whether it is chicken or squirrel meat in with the noodles (usually it is squirrel).But it is always a good time with a big fire, good food, guitar playing, and laughs.

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